Foreign & Rescue Dogs

These dogs are something we specialise in. If you’ve recently adopted a foreign or rescue dog the first couple of months can be extremely stressful for both you and your dog. Kindness and patience are key elements here but there is no need to struggle.

Help can be offered via online consultations such as video calls or with home visits.

We also offer classes specifically for these dogs as many of them can be left traumatised from their ordeals. We can help you manage your dogs stress levels, boost their confidence and teach them to lean on you for support when they need it.

Some of these dogs do require a lot of additional help but once you learn what your dog is trying to communicate to you, your bond with your dog will go from strength to strength.

Our online community support group comes as part of the help and can be invaluable to your journey! Sharing your successes with a community who know how hard yet rewarding a rescue dog can be!


Telephone: 07788182320
